Chair Einar Chr. Erlingsen is proclaimed winner of Vestfold and Telemark County´s Cultural award for 2021. He choses to donate the award money to the foundation he heads.
In a statement, Mr. Erlingsen says: “This is a great honour and a recognition of the work we all have laid down during the last 16 years. It is also an important award, as it shows that our politicians are recognising what we are doing.
Having said this, I´m not so foolish that I think that this is “my” award. It is the result of the fantastic efforts laid down by our employees and hundreds of volunteers throughout the years. To realise our Viking vision is and must be teamwork: by the boat builders, by guides and those manning our on-site shop, by the boat teams, textile group, weavers, carvers, blacksmiths, board members and many, many more, including those great helpers that have sadly passed away. Without their combined efforts we would not have been anywhere near where we are today.
So, in recognition of that this is our award, not mine, I have decided to donate the 75.000 Norwegian kroner that follow the award unabridged to the further work to promote our county´s unique Viking heritage.”
For those reading Norwegian, there is more information here: Vestfold og Telemark Fylkeskommune