Hectic autumn for Vikings

The autumn of 2021 has probably been our most hectic period ever. Here is an update on some of the most important activities, mainly during September.

Irish Television filming Saga Oseberg at Ramberg outside Tønsberg. Photo: Nina Killie Øydvin
Irish Television filming Saga Oseberg at Ramberg outside Tønsberg. Photo: Nina Killie Øydvin

• Organised our 7th Viking festival with more than 4.000 visitors.

• Three new Viking shipmasters have fulfilled their education and been approved by our Shipmasters´ Board. 

• Our young blacksmith apprentice Kristoffer Holmvik has passed his exams with honours.

• Comprehensive filming on board Saga Oseberg for Irish TV series on Vikings.

• Crew-training weekend on board Saga Farmann. Another training session coming up with three Viking ships: Saga Oseberg, Saga Farmann and Gaia.

• Town council has started planning the future use of our shipbuilding site, earmarked “Viking activities”.

• Keel-laying for new archaeological replica of the Gokstad ship in Tonsberg.

• Topping-out ceremony for big Viking frame-building in Sandefjord, to serve as workstation for pre-fabrication of ship parts for new Gokstad. Some 100 guests were attending the event.

• Some 20 Vikings participated in Tonsberg´s 1150 years anniversary event on October 1.

• Joint research program on wood processing has been established with Norway´s University of Life Sciences.

• Spinning of wool from wild sheep for the sail of new Gokstad ship.
