It is with great joy and pride we can report that the four meters long embroidered tale relating the building of the new Oseberg ship has been unveiled. It will be exhibited at our local library until mid-August.
Behind this object of great art are the members of our textile group, who have worked on the tapestry for four years, each member producing her part of the tapestry. It is of course inspired by the world-famous Bayeux-tapestry from around AD 1075, but also from the fragments discovered from the original Oseberg tapestry. The pattern on our tapestry has been made by master woodcarver Boni Wiik at the Norwegian Crafts Institute.
The tapestry was unveiled by mayor Anne Rygh Pedersen as an element in celebrating Tonsberg´s 1150 years a town. It will be exhibited at the local library until mid-August.