The keel oak has arrived

The keel oak has arrivedved

Tuesday march 3rd the almost 18 meters long oak trunk arrived at the building site where it will be transformed into keel for our Gokstad replica.

A most competent truck driver maneuvered his long haul into our Viking shipyard before hoisting the great oak truck into place at the scaffolding where our new replica of the Gokstad ship is to be built. 

Head boat builder Jan Vogt Knutsen expects work to start on the keel around the middle of April. Some 80 per cent of the wood will then be removed by axing.

“It is quite a task, so volunteers are welcome,” says Jan, adding that necessary training will be given. He can be contacted by email:

Not everyone can claim to have been a Viking ship builder. Also, big muscles and a slim waistline are guaranteed!
